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How To Hammer Tent Stakes?

Would you like to get into camping seriously? How do you set up good tent stakes that you just bought?

Having seen it many times and even experiencing it myself, we know how common it is. You may need to learn how to hammer in metal stakes when you switch from plastic ones. Hammering tent stakes is something you need to know.

It is essential to hammer tent stakes correctly to prevent them from bending and breaking. First, hit the tent stake with a quality rubber mallet, ensuring the angle is 90°, so it is firmly in the ground. If this stake is challenging to embed, try softening the earth or choose another location before being too forceful.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to hammer tent stakes correctly, so you can make sure your tent stays put on all your camping trips. We will talk about what type of stakes you need, how to position them for optimal stability, and how to hammer them into the ground with minimal effort. So let us get started.


Can You Use a Regular Hammer for Tent Stakes?

Tents have become essential to the camping experience, but setting them up without suitable material can be a hassle. In addition, hammering in tent stakes is more challenging than it looks; it takes practice and knowledge to get it right. 

No, you cannot use a regular hammer for tent stakes. The reason is that manufacturers did not make the traditional hammer of the same material as the tent stake. The head of the regular tent stake hammer is steel, while the head of the camping gear tent stake is aluminium. Aluminium is a softer metal than steel, so if you were to use a regular hammer to try and drive an Aluminium tent stake into the ground, the head of the stake would likely bend or break.


How To Hammer Tent Stakes?

So, how to stake a tent? Hammering tent stakes is pretty straightforward, but it is crucial to get the right tools and follow the proper steps. To secure your tent, you will need an appropriate hammer and the stakes with your campsite gear. Here is a step-by-step process to hammer tent stakes:

Ensure to Pull the Tent or Guy Lines Tight

Before putting up your tent, you must attach and tension the loops and guy lines. Please stretch out any ropes used as part of the setup so they are firmly secured. Make sure to pull the tent or guy lines taut. Stretch out all cords used in the camping accessories setup to guarantee they are securely in place.

Once the loops are secure, you can be confident that the tent poles & stakes will not come loose and will remain safe in the wind. Guy lines require the same action. Secure them with the appropriate loops and connect them to the poles surrounding the tent. Ensure the tension lines are securely taut before proceeding to insert the stakes.


Straighten the Tent Stake so that it Stands up Vertically

After getting the loop or line taut, use your hand to pound the tent stake to the centre of it. You should only tie certain guy lines. To secure them, insert the stakes partially or attach them to the stake and tug firmly. Stake the post vertically to ensure maximum protection from any gust of wind. Campers need help locating the best position to stake down their tent at night or in the dark. Therefore, we can use a camping light to help ease the campers in the dark.

Straight up and down is our preferred approach to providing the most secure anchorage for your tent; however, angling stakes toward the camping tent at 60° can work well too.


Strike the Top of the Post Lightly

Once you have inserted the stake to a certain degree, it is time to hit it with a hammer. Use the rubber end of the hammer to firmly, but not forcefully, tap the top of the stake until it slowly slides into the ground. Secure the stake with a rock or wood to guard against damage from the mallet.


Increase the Pressure Slowly and Gradually

Give the stake your full attention as you press it further into the soil with each strike of your hammer.

If the stake begins to bend, you are pounding too forcefully. In such a scenario, the earth is too harsh for the post and needs to be more supple (please refer to the next step). Hammer the stake into the earth until its top is level with the surface.


You Can Soften the Ground and Choose a Different Spot

If the stake starts to bend or will not penetrate the ground, you need to loosen the soil or select another location.

Changing locations could be the simplest solution; however, this is only sometimes viable.

For this situation, moisten the soil by pouring a cup of water onto it and allowing it to sit for 3-5 minutes. Subsequently, attempt again. Using this approach, make sure it is as level as you can.


Repeat the Procedure with the other Stakes

Do the same thing with the other stakes; go through the same process again. Once you have placed the first stake, proceed with the rest. Repeat this process for each additional stake. After placing the initial stake, continue to the other ones. You should use this same method for all remaining stakes.


What is the Best Camping Hammer for Tent Stakes?

Multifunction Camping Mallet Hammer – Blue


Multifunction Camping Mallet Hammer – Blue


This multifunction camping mallet hammer offers the best of both worlds - combining the convenience of a classic hammer and the efficiency of a shovel. Perfect for camping, hiking, and mountaineering, this lightweight tool will always come in handy. Manufacturers make our camping hammer from durable aluminium alloy, which keeps it perfectly balanced for driving tent pegs. In contrast to traditional hammers, which can be heavy and prone to rust, this hammer for tent stakes is light and hassle-free to take with you.

This multifunction camping hammer mallet has unique features which make it great for outdoor use. It has a flat shovel at one end and a hook at the other, both of which help set up camp. In addition, manufacturers craft hammerheads from high-carbon steel for added durability and anti-rusting protection. There is also a wide round hole in the head to allow carabiner clipping.

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